Security is such an important thing in almost every home. That’s why many people like to go with good residential security systems that they can find.
However, there are actually a lot of different factors that you need to take into account when it comes time to choose your security system.
This article will give you a few helpful hints about what makes a good residential security system.
There are many different types of residential security systems.
Door locks
One of the most common types of residential security systems is door locks. These come in various styles to fit your needs and can be easily installed by a professional locksmith.
There are also lock systems that include deadbolts which make locking/unlocking much easier than traditional keys. This is because there is no need to turn a key and you can enter your home with the push of a button.
Types of door locks include:
1. Privacy Locks – Privacy locks are designed so that one side opens when you turn the key and the other remains locked.
This type of lock is great for bedrooms because it keeps other people out without worrying about being locked in should there be an emergency.
2. Passage Locks – Passage locks are similar to privacy locks except that they have a thumb turn on the inside of the door.
These types of locks are good for front doors and back doors so you don’t have to worry about being locked in or out while you use your key to gain entry/exit from the house.
Window locks
Another common type of residential security system is window locks. These locks are great for any doors or windows that you couldn’t otherwise lock.
They come in different styles, like sliding bars and levers which make locking/unlocking much easier than traditional keys.
Types of window locks include:
1. Sliding Window Locks – This type of lock attaches to the window frame and slides across it. This is great for sliding doors because they are easy to open, but have a lock that ensures that no one can get in or out.
2. Single-Sided Latch – This type of latch has only one side with a locking device. It is best used on windows that you could otherwise open by hand, but want to ensure that they remain locked.
3. Screen Door Locks – This type of lock is specially made to fit over doors with a screen mesh. It fits perfectly on the bottom of the door and prevents it from being pulled open without taking off the entire lock system.
4. French Window Locks – This type of lock is specially designed to fit French-style windows. These locks are good because they allow you to lock the window, but still, open it by hand if necessary.
5. Casement Window Locks – This type of lock is used for casement windows and attaches directly to the window itself (hinged or barrel). It ensures that the window can be left open but locked securely into place.
6. Double-Sided Latch – This type of lock is the most common style of locking mechanism for windows. It has two sides with a locking device on each so it is secured both inside and outside by the same key/lever.
7. Tilt Bar – This type of lock is similar to sliding window locks except that the bar is designed with a flat end. It is good for windows that don’t have a frame that fits into a notch on the bottom of the window.
8. Spring Latch – Spring latches are specially made for casement windows and can be adjusted to fit any size. It automatically locks when you close the window.
9. Barrel Bolt – This type of lock is great for any door with casement windows, as it attaches to the door and lets you pull a set of sliding bars out from both sides of the door. This prevents entry by pushing the door open without the key/lever on either side.
10. Keyed Alike – This type of lock is good for doors with casement windows because it requires the same key to open both sides, thus preventing entry from either side without a key/lever.
11. Double-Cylinder Deadbolt – A double-cylinder deadbolt requires a key on one side and a locking mechanism on the other to secure the door. It is especially good for double doors, as it prevents opening one side without the other.
12. Floor Stops – This type of lock is designed to fit around casement windows that don’t have any frames to latch onto, like French-style windows. It is used with spring latches and lets you push the top of it onto any floor to prevent sliding.
13. Window Exit Device – This type of lock is great for stairwells or other areas that have windows that can be opened but are not designed to open more than 4 feet off the ground. It ensures that the window stays locked in place, even if you’re trying to open it to escape.
14. Telescoping Window Stops – This type of lock is good for casement windows that are not designed with a crossbar or floor stop system. It telescopes out from the inside of the window and stops the window from opening more than 5 feet off the ground.
15. Window Guard – This type of lock is great for any window that has bars or grates (which are not designed to open). It attaches directly to the windows and prevents opening more than 4 feet off the ground.
Electronic alarm systems
In one type, smaller sensors are placed on each window and door to detect if it has been opened. When the system is armed if a door or window opens an alert is sent to a control panel where you can take action such as calling the police.
Because these alerts are sent over your electrical wires, they work even when the power is out.
In the second type, sensors are placed on all windows and doors that have been opened or closed. When the system is armed, an alert is sent to a control panel where you can take action such as calling the police.
Because this type of alarm system uses cellular technology to send alerts, even when the power is out, it’s best for homeowners who don’t want to worry about wires.
These alarms are typically used in large homes or businesses where the control panel is not accessible after hours (i.e., during work hours). If an intruder enters the premises after hours, the alarm will activate and all doors and windows will lock down, preventing escape.
Because this type of alarm system is available to any home or business, landlords are more willing to offer units with security systems already installed. It’s also ideal for new construction because wires are not required.
The downside is that cellular technology can get expensive if you have multiple sensors on your windows/doors and need the service to be active 24/7.
Even though these types of alarms are wireless, they still require a control panel to monitor them and allow for manual arming and disarming.
If the power is out or you forget to disarm before going to bed, there’s nothing preventing someone from entering through any window/door that has been left open.
Motion sensors
Motion sensors are placed at eye level to detect movement within a predetermined range. They’re great for small homes or apartments where you want to monitor specific rooms, like the living room or bedrooms.
The benefit of using motion sensors is that they only alert you when something moves in front of it. This prevents alerts during windy days or when furniture is being rearranged.
Since motion sensors are wireless, they require batteries to work and must be replaced every few years.
If you have pets in the house or want to monitor a large area, these types of alarms are not for you because it only picks up movement directly in front of it.
These types of alarms work with a control panel that is always active and alerts you when motion is detected.
Because the control panel is always ready to go, it’s best for homeowners who want instant access to their home while away and don’t mind spending extra money on batteries every few years (the more sensors you use, the more batteries will be needed).
The biggest downside is that if the control panel is not connected to an AC power supply, then it needs batteries or an alternate power source to work when the power goes out.
Connecting your alarm system directly to a battery backup can become expensive if you have lots of sensors on your windows/doors and want instant access when there’s a problem.
Panic buttons
When you press the panic button, alarms go off and cameras start recording to notify the police of an emergency.
You can also remote access devices such as garage remotes or keypad locks remotely and unlock them if you need immediate entry to the house.
Because this type of alarm system provides 24/7 monitoring, it’s ideal for people who want to keep an eye on their property when away.
If you own a second home, panic buttons are also great because the control panel can act as your main form of communication if there’s an intruder or other emergency (don’t forget to check the monthly monitoring fee).
Want to know what makes a good residential security system?
There are many different types of alarm systems that can be installed in your home or business.
The type you choose will depend on the size and layout of your property, as well as how much money you want to spend.
We hope that the overview of some popular options for residential security systems above helps you can make an informed decision about which one is best for you!